Occupy Something Beautiful and Absorb It (video link)
This is a video, a poor one, indeed, and a rich one all the same: document of a personal political action, a step I had to take to re-access how I am living. Several captures of bio-luminosity. photographic, somatic, pigments pressed into paper. The drawings I am currently working evolve from the process of using all sensory data to "depict" the synergy of the situation. The drawings are therefore neither wholly abstract nor strictly representational in the traditional visual sense of representation. I am extending into specific locations an aspect of visual art work begun in Berlin and Liege, Belgium and first presented as "Anatomies of the Invisible," in which I attempted to draw the inside of my own organism without breaking my own bodily surfaces. Just as the human body is a complex of systems that connect and involve one another with great subtlety, so I see in the forest also a deeply interwoven ecological system where the orders and appearances that seem accidental reveal themselves to be driven by intentions that are not my own but which can become part of my intentionality if I permit that to happen. The drawings therefore occasionally seem to represent recognizable species of animals and plants but they also generate mutations, mutant forms, forms in which one can catch glimpses of intermediary species that could have been or might yet be. In doing so, I am engaging in a different form of creativity, one involving the hidden processes of what I tend to call "the perfect mess". More on thart later...
further imagery deriving from this action :
My work seems increasingly devoted to using the internet (somehow) to open up a means to local synergies by permitting access to reflection of minute, constant, observable structural change from a naturalist perspective described very effectively by Peter Warshall in his inspiring recent talk, just before his death. How late I am to come to this amazing person and what a pity he is already gone before I could thank him. The lecture is called Enchanted by the Sun.
Enchanted by the Sun
I pay particular attention to the relationship between perception and creation, reception and production.
I have published some thoughts and reflections about the idea of the microcosmic and macrocosmic systems inter-dependance in this my own weekly report video, starting at the 16 minute mark.
Saturday Night at the Villa dei Misteri, Week 4
Yaje, is the name I have recently learned for a kind of intelligence dwelling in the forest, access to which is permitted, I find, not only through drinking the Ayahuasca concoctions, but through localized meditation and observation: it is the place or space where you can start to feel the interconnections between all things, all events. I hope you get a chance to go there and meet with interested and innneresting unknowns.
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