Friday, September 14, 2018

Guido Ceronetti, Italian, poet, philosopher, naturo-path dramaturge, dies

  •    ! on the death of Guido Ceronetti -- a social critic, a teller of tales, poet and journalist, translator, definitely a humorist, fabulist of the Torinese stripe, hard to pin down... born in 1927 and just dying "yesterday" --    that alone explains a bunch... 
  •    being outside Italy, I'd lost track of his piping at the gates of dawn
  •    messages come to me from different directions, though... 
  •              a book or books to find_________see below
  •    )
  •  )
  • "Today medical school is attended by mobs, not students; a mob receives its degree, a Doctor-Mob practises the medical profession. We learn to distrust it immediately; this mob may even be armed, may even be equipped with powerful weapons. Whoever wishes to become a doctor should reflect before entering the profession; enter only if you are determined to be different and to adopt different principles and teachings. Otherwise do not enter."
    • The Silence of the Body: Materials for the Study of Medicine (II silenzio del corpo: Materiali per studio di medicina, 1979), translated by Michael Moore, in The Body in the Library: A Literary Anthology of Modern Medicine, London and New York: Verso, 2003, p. 296.
  • Mi stupisco, quando vedo gente giovane mangiare carne. Mi sembra talmente cosa d'altre epoche! La gioventù carnivora non è coi tempi, ha uno stomaco da secolo XIX, che carnivorizzò l'Europa... Cibarsi di pezzi di animali macellati è un'anomalia, fuori della dieta vegetariana non c'è giovinezza vera. La carne è per lo più un'angosciata abitudine dei vecchi. Richiedere piatti di carne, parlarne, ricordarli è cosa da vecchi, e da vecchi incapaci di svecchiarsi con una dieta decisamente alternativa.
  • ___ 
    • I am amazed when I see young people eating meat. It seems to me so much thing from other times! The carnivorous youth is not in step with the times, it has a stomach of the nineteenth century, which carnivorized Europe... Eating pieces of slaughtered animals is an anomaly, without of a vegetarian diet there is no real youth. Meat is mostly an anguished habit of old people. Requiring meat dishes, talking about it, remembering it, it's a thing of the elderly, old and unable to rejuvenate with a decidedly alternative diet.
    • Insects without Borders: Thoughts of the Unknown Philosopher (Insetti senza frontiere: Pensieri del filosofo ignoto), Milan: Adelphi, 2009, § 34.
    piu d'informazione in Italiano, solamente...

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