Friday, September 14, 2018

Guido Ceronetti, Italian, poet, philosopher, naturo-path dramaturge, dies

  •    ! on the death of Guido Ceronetti -- a social critic, a teller of tales, poet and journalist, translator, definitely a humorist, fabulist of the Torinese stripe, hard to pin down... born in 1927 and just dying "yesterday" --    that alone explains a bunch... 
  •    being outside Italy, I'd lost track of his piping at the gates of dawn
  •    messages come to me from different directions, though... 
  •              a book or books to find_________see below
  •    )
  •  )
  • "Today medical school is attended by mobs, not students; a mob receives its degree, a Doctor-Mob practises the medical profession. We learn to distrust it immediately; this mob may even be armed, may even be equipped with powerful weapons. Whoever wishes to become a doctor should reflect before entering the profession; enter only if you are determined to be different and to adopt different principles and teachings. Otherwise do not enter."
    • The Silence of the Body: Materials for the Study of Medicine (II silenzio del corpo: Materiali per studio di medicina, 1979), translated by Michael Moore, in The Body in the Library: A Literary Anthology of Modern Medicine, London and New York: Verso, 2003, p. 296.
  • Mi stupisco, quando vedo gente giovane mangiare carne. Mi sembra talmente cosa d'altre epoche! La gioventù carnivora non è coi tempi, ha uno stomaco da secolo XIX, che carnivorizzò l'Europa... Cibarsi di pezzi di animali macellati è un'anomalia, fuori della dieta vegetariana non c'è giovinezza vera. La carne è per lo più un'angosciata abitudine dei vecchi. Richiedere piatti di carne, parlarne, ricordarli è cosa da vecchi, e da vecchi incapaci di svecchiarsi con una dieta decisamente alternativa.
  • ___ 
    • I am amazed when I see young people eating meat. It seems to me so much thing from other times! The carnivorous youth is not in step with the times, it has a stomach of the nineteenth century, which carnivorized Europe... Eating pieces of slaughtered animals is an anomaly, without of a vegetarian diet there is no real youth. Meat is mostly an anguished habit of old people. Requiring meat dishes, talking about it, remembering it, it's a thing of the elderly, old and unable to rejuvenate with a decidedly alternative diet.
    • Insects without Borders: Thoughts of the Unknown Philosopher (Insetti senza frontiere: Pensieri del filosofo ignoto), Milan: Adelphi, 2009, § 34.
    piu d'informazione in Italiano, solamente...

Monday, September 10, 2018

poetry is the straightest way to starvation

 "poetry is the straightest way to starvation." - a. e. housman

"dvs n'ati citit kafka. nu pot sa cred,
credeam ca de la un nivel incolo
e in programa!"   -- comment from Romanian friend
who is incredulous that her friend never read Kafka
-- referring, I assume, to "the hunger artist" 

poetry is probably not the straightest way to starvation
in fact one can "take up" various eating disorders
and get there quicker. poetry perhaps
literally does thin one out,
when poetic concentration 
is full on, full time,
at the rate of the poem's pulse,
 or you drop yr stone when 
you suffer deprivations,
 if you didn't finish the degree,
failing entry into the temenos 
or templon of academic life.

poetry is not for the lazy, 
as bohemian myths (whitman's
loafing's charades) seem to
suggest, but rather bound with
the chase, a kind of hunt almost,
trying to get language caught up
with the speed of mind, consciousness,
the actual metabolism of change
which can also include slowing
down, zen-speed, zero latency,
the poetry of geological time

so poetry is not the dritta via to death
 & maybe eating less
cleanses the spirit, tones
the mind, addresses truth
without excess, allows
you to run with Artemis,
get in jogging step with
Charles Olson's "instanter"--
following perception
with perception-- 
the energy of the experience
transmitted with original impetus
( his essay called "projective verse"
--you can google that--

did you ever wonder why you don't die
every time you miss a meal?
when you fast, for example,
you put your thoughts upon
the sacred reasons for the abstention
or you are consumed with the objective
(for Dante, when it's lent, he's in a Xtian cosmos
& in purgatory, the souls develop,
  they don't all die, not yet,
they got their myth-maths, their
meal is being prepared)

  & yet starvation is nowhere near 
as stupefying as fame or success
  & nothing kills the poetry quicker
other than death itself, because success
or fame usually means people
start to bug you with questions
like "what's the key to your success?"

 bodily death is sudden, unpredictable, 
even comes as a surprise for the suicide, often.
but starvation is another order of experience, 
ascetic life, beyond the living 
riding on the meal-tickets, 
or the salaries.
survival is the order of poetry
it's quite the contrary to willful destruction.
the signal is tapped out a desperare,
-- in the blindness of hope, it throws the seeds...

the seeds are not fit nor unfit
they just fit the situation or not

Christ knew
it was a toss up

the bird sings
with it's fingers
 says the radio in Cocteau's Orpheus

faith nodular to gamble

some seeds love sand
even need them

poetry has to get out of the house, man
alpha slash omega, man.

death by poetry, in any case, doesn't seem to be an option
and the few reported cases always put the blame
on secondary causes. the case of  kafka's
 hunger artist being fundamentally different 
in that starvation itself
is the art form being presented --
and the buck stops not there.
kafka's hunger artist gives his cage
to rilke's panther, who stalks the eyes of the spectators
and her voracious hunger, admired
& her feasting their not so secret joy 

Palm hands drawing in the Leang-Leang Cave, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi. 

in the beginning perhaps
there was nothing to call poetry
in the beginning maybe
there was nothing
called poetry at all
so the speak of
and this theme
to return to
for the nameless being practiced
conjuring names

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Spontaneous Methodology

click on photos to enlarge them

First... a new poem...
              August 31, 2018
             we don't dance in the streets
          because cars may hit us
          but we dance in the channels of our blood
          dance in the mind unhindered
          about the atom dance
          across waters trading tongues
         we don't dance without effort
         nor with too much force
         we dance when things are growing quiet
         we dance in clamor and storm
          we bend but remain supple, unbending still
         & snap to the smile
         we dance when there is nothing to lose
        & when we wisely choose
        open the four-fold aura
        amid the five-petaled rose
        we don't dance for free
        nor dance mercenary
        we dance in fact like stone
        suited to courageous inertia
       & unknown ignitions
        brightly blotting the world

     When, in the past, I had ever been courageous or daring
(we all have our moments) the instinct or impulse
driving me was linked to my consumate naivete or the
awareness that death stalks me, awaits me, around
the corner: better live and dare maintenant, carpe diem, 
noctem, and all that. Since most acts of courage &
(occasionally dumb-ass) daring have kept me on
my unique life's path, advancing me by hook or crook
to the next plateau, there's been a tendency to believe
this spontaneous methodology
might work in my favor as I round the hump of the hill,
where, at the peak,
just before descending, I stop.
I am no longer so naive. So daring has lost one resource.
How then to have faith in acts of daring, aside from
being forced to them by perpetual premonitions
of blind death's vision,  the vision of death,
which, on the down-slope, one will avoid
rather than confront, feint, or out run, since playing
with that level of existence demands absolute vigor,
fatal vigor (the one that keeps you most alive)
 in the sense that one knows one cannot win
ultimately, but only trick moment's envelope
out of itself. Death is never cheated, offended because
death always gets the last word...
How then preserve faith when the gray hair indicates
a certain passage beyond the realm of the energetic
passions (despite the fact one feels them)?
While attending the Pakistani wedding party, I felt
both abandonment, the urge to dance in celebration
of life, wedding, nature, gods -- even though the wedding
itself might be arranged, not as romantic as one would
love to believe -- and along with this urge came the sense
that I might appear ridiculous to on-lookers, this gadjo dilo
who danced anyway, happily. Connection was in the air.
I took it home with me while bringing it back.

Some videos of the Brueghelesque scenes
and wild music:
 Gypsy Weddings, Belovo

The Balkan Romany wedding party, by contrast,
(where we met and learned both families regularly
travel between Bulgaria and the U.K.) was very different.
More people danced, created their own circles, their
own private wilderness, in the festival atmosphere,
like Mardi Gras, they danced in small groups
or in larger ones, here and there, men and women
mingling, although the gender roles and codes still
seemed strict. Children running all around.
Social wilderness. People in formal dress alongside
the casual wear and the shirtless tough guys
with their razor-cut prison tattoos and the caterers,
they all had occasion to dance together, old, young,
skilled or not; we were even invited to dance in the hori
and the circle grew to absorb us. So the only conclusion
I can reach about personal daring as a norm for being a sign,
an acceptable sign, of vitality, is that it's all about the
social context. One must find one's people. The dance
follows. Or one must find one's self and the necessity.
I would like to dance with wild abandon more often.
It seems healthy. What is lacking in my culture, my society,
or why do I no longer dare to dance?

  I go to find you


It occurred to me later that what I called courageous above
is not what people consider to be classically courageous
actions that seek to defend justice, prevent disasters, save lives
and those kinds of altruism that I find personally rather
instinctive and compassionate responses. I never
think about what's done when actions of that order
take place because they are actions I consider natural
and in no need of explanation or praise. we should not brag.
So the kind of courage, to be one's self, or to not fear
the illusory aspects of social structure.
This takes being able to detect what is false, illusory,
unnecessary, since one's acceptance into a social milieu
depends on respecting conventions. So detecting
this too may not be so simple. One stands on the border.
Blue or red pill. As one grows older and changes location,
and sees numerous cultures, the values in those cultures
become relativized and in some sense they are all
equally conventional, perhaps not filled with meaning for
every person inside or outside said culture.
Many are the children who do not understand their parents
religion. Many who do not know why boys don't wear
skirts or why women can't go topless. We would call it
courageous for a woman to walk topless and a boy who
would wear a skirt has to have balls of steel, as we say.
To define what aspects of convention we can shed becomes
more difficult as one grows older and needs the protection
of society. But one must learn to stand alone. Wander into
the nature of one's nature inside nature. Emerson
called it self-reliance, the outer self too. Taoist return to primal chi.
The energy the body needs is forever young and the process
of finding the energy of vitality is the key to discrimination.
The sickness that is society can only be cured from within
by each cell in the overall tissue defending itself and in sympathy
with the collective and bearing compassion toward the ill.
Tissues and organs can be regenerated starting anywhere