Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Eye walks the line: Notes on Slojterdijk, Kafka, Chubby Checker & the Limbo Bar.

"Don't touch that limbo bar!
You'll be a limbo star!
  How low can you go?"-- 
Sly Stone wanted to take us higher. 
  Johnny Cash walks the line.
 Chubby Checker asked "'how low can you go",
  singing the classic crossover carribean rock and roll tune I heard on the scribbled over 45 rpm record one of my parents bought probably when they themselves were teenagers. I was not yet teen-aged. I was much lower than bar 13. And the limbo seemed an athletic dance where unlike the pole-vault, the high-bar jump, the aim was to go to the other extreme, to get down, go backwards. I may have wondered back then why the limbo bar was not featured in the Olympics because I tried it and it was no mean feat. This word "limbo" also being very Catholic = the interzone on the margins of hell, a holding cell where defunct unbapitized children wound-up on the outskirts of Dante's Inferno, waiting until the end times -- this word also caused strange feelings, despair, anxiety of birthright. This was long before I learned that the limbo dance was something carried over from the slave-ships where the African had to get into tight places for transport or become defunct, although doubtless some decided that it might be just as well to fall and splinter into salty sea or hummus right there. While others took the chance, ducked under, into the holds, cramped, bleeding, waiting to get to the other side. This was the challenge, the death-trip, the no-bullshit ritual passage to another life, a chance to escape. Life must have seemed sweet and worth the effort. Many did bend over backwards and survived to tell their tales. Somewhere the African survivors became Carribeans and memorialized their endurance feat in a dance, this dance of the inverted yogi, a lean behind the center of ventral gravity, into horizontal catabasis, and far below the average norms of those supermen who aimed for the verticality of stars and vagrant heavens. And yet it was a feat of acrobatic depth and concern, fitting with the themes which the German philosopher with the Dutch name, Peter Sloterdijk, speaks about at some length -- 600 or more pages -- I believe -- in his tome with the title ripped from Rilke's Archaic Torso poem, YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR LIFE. He sought to explain our obsession with sports, training, coaches, capitalism and competion, dieting, excersise, fitness by the concept of ANTHROPOTECHNICS. The straight and narrow. The line we all walk or simulate in order to get the job.

We are led in this century, according to Sloterdijk, into regimes of discipline, self-regulation, asceticism and he explains in a familiar Nietzschean slalom how we adopted or carried these regimes over from the dynamics described in the Genaology of Morals and other books we have forgotten about since those times began when mentioning Nietzsche was tantamount to endorsing various fascisms. My personal view is that our fascisms are in our sporting facilities, our police, quite often in our music, academies, our heavy metals, our pavement. But looking more carefully we can see it in our literature and in every competitive, exceptionalist endeavor of human beings whose lack of existential groundedness results in their own desires to lord it over other species, enslave minorities, reduce competitors to dust and ruin the planetary balance that supports life itself. Ooooops. You raving genome of indeterminate evolutionary origin, you did it again.  
Here are some passages from Slojterdijk's magnum opus in the translations I have from Wieland Hoban (mentioned in this blog as the live acrobatic translator of Helmut Lachenmann) http://transparent-abelard.blogspot.com/2019/12/art-is-broken-form-of-magic-on-margins.html

"In his case, the dawn of the acrobats is already several degrees brighter and clearer, which is why one can make out the scenery in something close to daylight. There is no need to explain in detail here that Kafka was an advocate of gymnastic exercises, vegetarian diets and ideologies of hygiene that were typical of the time. In the collection of statements he excerpted from his octavo notebooks and arranged in a numbered list (later edited and published by Max Brod under the title Betrachtungen uher Sunde, Leid, Hoffnung und den wahren Weg [Observations on Sin, Suffering, Hope and theTrue Path]), the first entry reads:

 The true path is along a rope, not a rope suspended way up in the air, but rather only just over the ground. It seems more like a tripwire than a tightrope.

The rope can only function as a metaphor for acrobatism if one imagines it stretched out; one must therefore pay attention to the sources of tension, its anchors and its modalities of power transfer. As long as the rope's tension was produced with metaphysical intentions, one had to suppose the existence of a pull from the world above to explain its particular form of intensity. Ordinary existence came into contact with this pull from above through the ubiquitous example of the saints, who, owing to efforts that people liked to term superhuman, were occasionally permitted to approach the impossible. We must not forget that superhomo is an arch-Christian word in which the high Middle Ages uttered its most intense concern - it was first used for the French king St Louis IX in the late thirteenth century! The exhaustion of such an otherworldly pole becomes most apparent in the fact that ever fewer people strive to walk the tightrope
Existence as such is an acrobatic achievement, and no one can say with certainty what training provides the necessary skills to master this discipline. Hence the acrobat no longer knows what exercises keep him from falling - aside from constant vigilance.This fading level of artistedom by no means indicates a loss of this phenomenon's significance; on the contrary, it reveals how aspects of the artiste spread to affect all aspects of life. The great subject of the arts and philosophies of the twentieth century - the discovery of the ordinary - draws its energy from the dawn of the acrobats, which ensues in parallel with it. It is only because the esotericism of our time exposes the equivalence of ordinariness and acrobatics that its investigations produce non-trivial results."
In these few passages I merely draw attention to the dynamic of stumbling. In Kafka's world it seems clear that many strivings are doomed from the outset as Promethean (the problem of the Titans, as the paleo-Luciferians, is vast and the tragedy of this class struggle is well expressed in Pavese's Dialoghi con Leuco https://sysprv.com/leuco.html), as the result of Babelic over-reaching. Kafka describes it however typically as tragi-comic. The tight-rope, like the limbo bar, the parallel bars, are set in absurdly variable proportions of relativistic distantiation. The distances correspond to the continually changing levels of judgment, paradox, double-standard, ficklenes and hypocisy we see in our value systems. Don't be too high falultin' in your speech; don't use 50 cent or 50 dollar words. Don't dumb down your discourse. Don't offend anyone. Don't be scared to alienate. Don't be a coward. Don't speak out of turn. Stop virtue signalling. Know your place in the world. Speak truth to power. We are all given these impossible tasks to achieve, we are asked to achieve them by those who most likely did not and cannot succeed themselves. We have to make something of ourselves. Don't be too ambitious. You are even asked not to take yourself so damn seriously. But when you are too non-chalant, you will ge the hammer for being obscure, chastized for not "living up to your potential" -- as if anyone really understands "potential" outside of market concerns. We live daily in a world of climate catastrophe, world leaders of lies and subterfuge, petty control freaks. Maybe the truth is that you should not change your life at all but just attain to consciousness of what it means to be alive. Just have a good time and don't muck it up for other creatures who have the same rights to this life as you, whether they resemble you or not, whether you see them or not. 
Stumble and be happy. What you stumbled over is another form of life. It likely preceded you by millions of years. Rejoice and tread lightly. Share the insight.
  And let's twist again

Monday, May 30, 2022

End the global fossil fuel addiction that fuels Every War Machine. An article via the Nation by Svitlana Romanko

Only yesterday I remarked that if we can think of Putin's invasion as paradoxically strengthening NATO then we might say that Putin is bringin a turn for the Green in global politics, help us emerge from the fossil fuel sleep. Before I reddened in the cheek with my naivete, I pinched myself, as if to say, weirder things have happened. All things bring about their opposites. That is, if all things remain recognizable as what they are to us. I'm not much inclined for metaphysics in thought process any longer. I do pay attention to the Mercury in rettograde. 

I don't know how ya'll are feeling about gun violence, wars declared, undeclared, tension but...

Maybe it's time to legislate a full stop to the manufacture of destruction. Here's an argument that edges toward saying the conflict in Ukraine could trigger a green re-evaluation, if not a revolution.

“End the global fossil fuel addiction that fuels Putin’s war machine.”

    "The Russian invasion of our country is funded and fueled by the coal, oil, and gas industries that also drive the climate crisis. The import of all fossil fuels from Russia must be banned, as must any investment in Russia. This is urgent and necessary, to stop the existential threat to my nation. But it is just the beginning. We need to phase out all fossil fuels globally if we are to stop the existential threat to our planet.

     As a Ukrainian, it is very difficult for me that the planet-saving transition to clean energy might come, finally, at a cost that has been paid by my compatriots with their lives and the devastation of our country. But perhaps because I live on the front line, I see clearly that this is a decisive point in modern history. We can make the wrong turn back to fossil-fueled colonialism. Or we can properly start the green transition. The fight for Ukraine’s freedom can lead us to what science has told us we must do: stop burning coal, oil, and gas right now."

    Please read the full article here:


  And listen to some music by another Ukrainian Svitlana Niaino   





Friday, May 27, 2022

Just read the amazing essay: "False Passives" by Anna Badkhen. We all might be Climate Hostages, Climate Refugees without even knowing it.

Industry, climate change, extraction of resources, colonialism. social injustice. What's the connection?

     Industry, our technological life-style, our culture of convenience and comfort needs (infinite) resources extracted from (finite) locations appropriated by colonizers (foreigners) who displace native peoples (muting or destroying indigenous cultures) or removing them by genocide or enslavement (stripping them of identity, renaming them, mangling their psyches). Industry blossoms into poisonous world-engulfing culture of machines and exploitation and conformists. Indigenous people's lands are looted, infrastructures built up fall into neglect and the people, finding themselves in unliveable zones, begin to migrate to the nations of their former occupiers and exploiters, who, ironically, won't let them inside. 

 Anna Badkhen paints the pictures in depth.


     An excerpt from this very fine essay linking climate change, migration, geology, colonialism

  "The UN Environmental Migration Portal adds that “in the context of climate change, some populations might not be able to move due [to] lack of resources, disability or social reasons (e.g., gender issues), and other[s] might choose not to move due [to] cultural reasons, such as the ancestral links people have with their land.” Might not be able to or might choose not to: how uncharacteristically vague for NGO-speak; how definition washes out into the indefinite, undefinable, actually and acutely human.

    It is impossible to estimate how many people fit the description of “trapped populations,” writes the International Organization for Migration. “They are highly vulnerable populations, but data to inform action and protection are scarce”—though the World Bank by some means has calculated that by 2050 “trapped populations” will number 140 million people.

    Note the adjectival construct “trapped.” Linguists call such constructs false passives, or stative or static passives, or resultative passives. “Trapped” represents a result, but it conceals the cause, obscures the continuing fault that is creating both the climate catastrophe from which people might need to (and might not be able to, or might choose not to) migrate, and the conditions that prevent them from doing so, that force them to be static. It does not address the unabating gap between the mostly white power structures that generate and foster and exacerbate climate inequality and the mostly poor, mostly Black and Brown communities that bear its brunt.

    One policy paper I read warned that “trapped populations” was a label that “may reduce or remove an individual’s agency and independence in determining their own destiny.” (Another term relief organizations use to describe people who cannot, or do not, leave environments imperiled by climate change is “climate hostages.”) But it is the racist world order, which centers and upholds extractive industries and largely temperate-climate powers, that really does most of the determining. Scientists predict that almost one-fifth of our planet will be unlivable by 2070, at which time, unless they will have moved by then, 3.5 billion people—half of the world’s population today—will live in the unlivable zone. And why would they not have moved? “Trapped populations”: the term ignores the cognitive rift between the axiom that migration is a primary form of climate adaptation and the actuality that most destination geographies for migrants are responsible for the unfolding climate catastrophe and do all they can to keep out the people whose lives they have imperiled: they are doing the trapping. "

      Also worth checking out, this article wherein a Korean research team uses computer modelling of the Earth's climatic history and correlates these with paleontological data concerning human habitations. Astronomically related periods of climate change influenced human evolution, where we could live and who among the hominin would adapt and move out of their niches, determining and shaping the paths we wander


    "Even though different groups of archaic humans preferred different climatic environments, their habitats all responded to climate shifts caused by astronomical changes in earth's axis wobble, tilt, and orbital eccentricity with timescales ranging from 21 to 400 thousand years," said Axel Timmermann, lead author of the study and Director of the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) at Pusan National University in South Korea."


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Never-Before-Seen Type of Signal Has Been Detected in The Human Brain/ Wet Bulb temperature is the scariest part of climate change Never Heard

   THOSE OF US who do not yet concede that everything is connected and that there are no accidents are obviously not taking some things into consideration. We ain't integrated, not been integrated, ain't integrating, overmuch. Not all things can be understood simultaneously, yes, this seems true. Space takes place in time, sends you letters from Heart Springs, Moldovia

   Sun Ra used to insist that the entire band learn and incorporate the mistake that one player made. In this way the accidental became deliberate and the wrong became the correct, the greatest act of subversion is to prove that order is arbitary. When I have memories I get some parts right and some parts wrong. The incorrect passages correspond to alternatives. But I am still happy when some adjusted version of the narrative resolves. I can pull from the eucalyptus leaves I smell now the times lived I've sensed through my nose the eucalyptus in the pan-handle of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, an odor wafting back mentally from 1990, a blackbird in South Dakota in 1986 under the sign of the mushroom, 9 hour night of the dalang during a shadow-puppet gamelan performance intoning and rapping on wood in Yogyakarta in 1998, meeting my future wife across the table in 2008 in Zbązsyn, that first snowball in child-gloves in 1966 in Buffalo...many firsts and many facts-- despite the losses (I also can remember that I can't remember something -- something holds the space of the forgotten open). Eucalyptus? Years in memory are condensed matter physics in the brain. 

 Years in memory are condensed matter physics in the brain.

Or maybe time fragments stack up in the chemical structures of the neurons, perhaps like strings of dna, proteins, peptides, folded into dense packages. As if memory itself were what DNA was all about. One would have to listen and guess about the meanings. The experience returns but what is experience but the impression of a feeling of greater significance, an omen. Perhaps I am overestimating the significance of something. But why would I do that? And why so often? Perhaps I am trying simply to implant a memory. Isn't any idea an over-estimation of what is being thought, seen, heard? Why did my brain store these sets of impressions amid the 86 million cells -- patterns for nesting, learning, retrieving? And why can I think of different spatial arrangements and also recognize what is new, what doesn't fit the previous puzzle? Why must I reconfigure? Why hunt?

  they say some people are unable to listen to new music because they don't recognize it as music. it's all noise to them. the first time I heard noise and thought it musical changed how I perceived almost everything in life and my experience began encountering new dimensions although there is a limit to what my mind can process. somethings are simply noise or unwanted sounds and never can be music seemingly, which also includes a lot of so-called music. but I often don't know how to draw the line. if I draw an analogy between music and memory I see that sounds are in the positions of objects of thought (a memory) and that sounds have no sense in and of themselves just as the objects of thought in and of themselves are anonymous neuro-chemical reactions

dendritic action potentials, a temporal sequence of these triggered together to form a spike train, voltage-gated ion-channels being transmembrane proteins -- these words imply to me something both electrical and sticky at the same time, like some goop that can trap tiny flames & sparks inside a gelatinous bubble, like a spider in amber, but it's all salts and calcium trading electrons, bits and pieces that can't have anything even remotely as personal about them as my memories and yet these same minute chemical reactions indifferently carry forward all we think of as culture and history and knowledge. that they cannot know themselves seems sad and wrong. I want them to know I appreciate them but they of course could care less. they are just too busy supporting everything I think and do to be concerned about what I think and do.

about our brain, read this;


  this link below refers to areas where wet bulb temperatures (when the outside temperature is too constantly close to that of the human body) can render whole regions unliveable and create a massive wave of displaced people seeking to escape. the climate change means species will migrat and where there is mass migration there will be resource issues. everything is connected.


 this is a link to a piec of music that evokes wonder through the creation of random scintillating particles building into waves. micro to macro with cosmogonic overtures, one might say

Xenakis La Legende d'Earr



Postcard Poem 2022

 are we not then
what we do
when fully
immersed in
vital matter
undying dirt
droplets shattered 
eaves' beams
speaking their
creaky language
back into
deathless trees
evolving ships
& violins?
whoever inside
my language chatters
finds the wind
 wild, insane,
serene, indifferent,
all over
in no one
place, within itself,
against that
unknown field
our stars
rise for
seen in the unseen
worlds apart

That's how the insomniac settles the score, 
types the void with one finger 
crossing now ether, now ocean, 
now screen & melting hard wires