Saturday, December 28, 2019

Out-sourcing Invocation to Ayahuma

Helloooooo! Sorry for the strange weblog post but I'm exploring new ways of sharing without FB...

listen once on a lower volume -- or loop -- but also read -- below

"Mankind has obviously reached the end of something"
 -C L R James,
   "Dialectical Materialism and the Fate of Humanity"
(thanks Hap. Savage, for the icing on the cake)

pull the stone out that plugs the bottom of the well
for the water's gone rotten with whatever they've been feeding
let the feed grow wild or forgotten
and let living waters sprinkle the air
living waters from flying rivers
free music has a record of it's own social order
not it's great scare but in it's care
free music beholds bee-cause
free music bees aware
the one about whom there is only one story
in the mansion of hives
in the dark rooms of developing alchemy
in the forest paved with yellow-gold leaves
photonic consciousness vibrates the phi mo
in the the trans-cranial ultra-sound
the strange song called zenzsen
mercury mediated the higher poisons into tincture
the mana pill every chicken knows what's best
the mano podersosa
every eagle knows what's best
the pineal thrill
every owl knows
her flesh of atoms & molecules woven
ayahuma alone doesn't know
ayahuma alone doesn't care
yet creating all beckons
the dissolution

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